My name is Lê and I believe that the greatest challenge in education is to make science and math appealing.
This is why I aim at bringing enthusiasm and excitement to the readers’ learning experience.
I now run a Robustly Beneficial wiki, mostly on AI ethics, which has come to fascinate me!
The Massive Puzzles of GravityThe Massive Puzzles of Gravity By Lê Nguyên Hoang | Updated:2016-02 | Views: 4355 This article follows the footsteps of the giants of physics that have moulded our current understanding of gravity. It is a series of brilliant inspirations, usually accompanied by deceiving misconceptions. After all, even today, gravity is still a slippery concept.
Computing Hunger worldwide: the Global Hunger Index (GHI)Computing Hunger worldwide: the Global Hunger Index (GHI) By Estève Giraud | Updated:2015-12 | Views: 636 The Global Hunger Index was first published in 2006 by the International Food Policy Research Institute and the NGO Welthungerhilfe. In 2007, Concern worldwide joined them. Since then, the Index reports every year the evolution of the hunger situation worldwide and focus on a given topic. How is it calculated? And what is hunger? How are we connected ? What can be done? To learn more, read the article below.
The New Big Fish Called Mean-Field Game TheoryThe New Big Fish Called Mean-Field Game Theory By Lê Nguyên Hoang | Updated:2016-01 | Views: 18865 In recent years, at the interface of game theory, control theory and statistical mechanics, a new baby of applied mathematics was given birth. Now named mean-field game theory, this new model represents a new active field of research with a huge range of applications! This is mathematics in the making!
Mechanism Design and the Revelation PrincipleMechanism Design and the Revelation Principle By Lê Nguyên Hoang | Updated:2016-02 | Views: 7285 Whenever you need to make a group of people interact, you are designing a mechanism. If you want to achieve a good interaction, you need to make sure your mechanism is well designed. In this article, I'll show you main features of mechanisms through various examples. I'll also talk about a great mathematical tool for mechanism design: the revelation principle.
Multicriteria with MACBETHMulticriteria with MACBETH By Lê Nguyên Hoang | Updated:2016-02 | Views: 2895 As more and more complex problems are dealt with in our societies, developing models such as multi-criteria analysis is crucial to better understand these problems. MACBETH is a state-of-the-art method to do just that. Its functioning is described in this article.
The Limitless Vertigo of Cantor's InfiniteThe Limitless Vertigo of Cantor's Infinite By Lê Nguyên Hoang | Updated:2015-12 | Views: 4213 No one believed him. Not even fellow mathematicians. They thought he was wrong. They thought he was crazy. Even he ended up doubting himself and went crazy. And yet, he had mathematically proved it all. Georg Cantor had figured out how to manipulate the infinite. Even more remarkable, he showed that there were actually several infinities; and some are bigger than others!
Evolutionary Game TheoryEvolutionary Game Theory By Lê Nguyên Hoang | Updated:2016-02 | Views: 6250 Evolutionary Game Theory is a relatively recent branch of game theory which studies the dynamics of games. Originally used to describe populations of species in biology, and more particularly, the consequences of their interactions to the evolution of their populations, this field now produces interesting results for economic and environmental modelings.