My name is Lê and I believe that the greatest challenge in education is to make science and math appealing.
This is why I aim at bringing enthusiasm and excitement to the readers’ learning experience.
I now run a Robustly Beneficial wiki, mostly on AI ethics, which has come to fascinate me!
Colours and DimensionsColours and Dimensions By Lê Nguyên Hoang | Updated:2015-12 | Views: 4808 You've probably learned early on that there are three primary colours. But why three? And why these three? Surprisingly, the answer lies in the beautiful mathematics of linear algebra and (high) dimension spaces!
Marriage Assignment Problem and VariantsMarriage Assignment Problem and Variants By Lê Nguyên Hoang | Updated:2016-02 | Views: 7292 Marriage problems consist in matching boys and girls. They are a very interesting class of problems that include assignment problems, which have a very large range of applications. Additional results have been found for variants which include the introduction of boys and girls' preferences, and cases where people cannot be categorized into two groups.
Colors: It's not just about Wavelengths!Colors: It's not just about Wavelengths! By Lê Nguyên Hoang | Updated:2016-02 | Views: 7605 Colours... What are they really? Are there the same for all of us? And for other animals? How does color addition or subtraction work? How do they work on computers? And on printers? The mysterious (but not dark) world of colors is actually very colourful!
Fourier Analysis: Signals and FrequenciesFourier Analysis: Signals and Frequencies By Lê Nguyên Hoang | Updated:2016-01 | Views: 13870 Fourier analysis is a fundamental theory in mathematics with an impressive field of applications. From creating radio to hearing sounds, this concept is a translation between two mathematical worlds: Signals and Frequencies. Here is an introduction to the theory.
The Secretary/Toilet Problem and Online OptimizationThe Secretary/Toilet Problem and Online Optimization By Lê Nguyên Hoang | Updated:2015-12 | Views: 5643 A large chunk of applied mathematics has focused on optimizing something with respect to all relevant data. However, in practice, especially in the online world, the data is not available to us, and, yet, we're still expected to make nearly optimal decisions. This problem is exemplified by the famous secretary problem, where a manager needs to decide to hire candidates right after interviews, even though he has not yet met all the candidates. In this article, we review this classic as well as many very recent developments.
The Surprising Flavor of Infinite SeriesThe Surprising Flavor of Infinite Series By Lê Nguyên Hoang | Updated:2020-01 | Views: 11511 1+2+4+8+16+...=-1, as proven by Henry Reich on Minute Physics! Now, as a mathematician, I must say that his proof is far from being rigorous. In fact, anyone familiar with the surprising flavor of infinite series should not find it convincing. Surprisingly though, his proof can be rigorously and naturally justified! Find out how!