The shapes of soccer balls | Relativity 8

Soccer balls are iconically made of hexagons and pentagons. But why? Why did Adidas choose this beautifully symmetric shape? The answers lie in the geometry of Platonic solids, and, in particular, of the truncated icosahedron. But there’s more. In recent years, Adidas’s balls were actually designed based on the tetrahedron and the cube…

The Cubic Ball of the 2014 World Cup | Science4All Article
Can you glue opposite edges of a square? Relativity 7

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By Lê Nguyên Hoang | Updated:2016-02 | Views: 10083
I know this sounds crazy. Even stupid. But Adidas did design a cubic ball, called brazuca, for the 2014 World Cup. And, yet, this cubic ball is rounder than any previous ball in football History. How is it possible? This article explains it.

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